感谢您报名参加2017年4月26日至28日在上海举办的Phenomatics Workshop 2017。会议主题包括数据科学和计算机科学在农业生物领域的应用、数字表型研究、图形图像处理与分析、新算法开发等。
Argelia Lorence Professor Arkansas Biosciences Institute, Arkansas State University Title: Novel Phenomics Approaches to Identify Salt Tolerance in a Rice Diversity Panel Research Interests Research Interests •Plant Metabolic Engineering •Vitamin C Metabolism •Plant Stress Tolerance •Phytoremediation •Plant High-throughput Phenotyping | |
Gustavo Bonaventure Manager Phenotyping Application LemnaTec Title: Advances in the LemnaTec Software to Improve the Analysis of Important Crop Traits Research Interests •Plant Phenotyping and Imaging •Digital Phenotyping •High-throughput Phenotyping Technologies •Phenomics •Trait Biology •Phenotyping Applications | |
Hanno Scharr Senior Scientist Head Quantitative Image Analysis Forschungszentrum Jülich Title:Imaging and Image Processing for Plant Phenotyping: An Overview Research Interests •Quantitative Image Sequence Processing as an Analysis Tool for Scientific •Medical and Industrial Data | |
Jian Jin Assistant Professor Department Agricultural and Biological Engineering Purdue University Title:Crop Plant Phenotyping: A War Between Signal And Noise Research Interests •To Develop the Next Generation Single Plant Phenotyping Platform •To Push Plant Phenotyping Activities to the Next Level | |
Jian-jun Du Associate Research Fellow Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture Title:Image-based Phenotyping Methods from Maize Growth Monitoring to Ear Measurement Research Interests •Computer Graphics | |
Liang Gong Associate Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University Title:Enabling Precise Breeding by Leveraging Revolutionary Crop Phenotyping Techniques: Methodology, Roadmap, and Key Technologies Research Interests •Agricultural Robot | |
Malia Gehan Assistant Member Danforth Center Title:Image Processing and Analysis with PlantCV v.2.0 Research Interests •Improved Temperature Stress Resistance in Plants •Improved Measurement of Plant Phenotypes | |
Pouria Sadeghi-Tehran Field Phenotyping Image Analysis & Data Handler Plant Biology & Crop Science, Rothamsted Research Title: Field Scanalyzer: Automated Robotic System for Modern High-Throughput Field Phenotyping Research Interests •Artificial Intelligence •Algorithms •Aerospace Engineering | |
Qinghua Guo Professor The Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Title: Crop 3D: a platform based on LiDAR for 3D high-throughput crop phenotyping Research Interests •Application of Lidar Technology in Ecology •Crop Phenotypic Data Acquisition •Biodiversity Simulation | |
Rick van de Zedde Senior Researcher Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Institute Title: Rapid 3D Reconstruction of Plants and the Benefit for Plant Phenotyping and Robotics Research Interests •Agricultural Engineering •Horticulture •Psychology •Computer Software, Data Processing •Artificial IIntelligence •Image Analysis, Image Processing •Informatics •Plant Breeding Methods | |
Tao Cheng Professor College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University Title:Field Phenotyping of Rice and Wheat Crops with Ground and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based Sensing Technologies Research Interests •Crop Monitoring •Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based Remote Sensing •Field and Imaging Spectroscopy •Vegetation Mapping and Dynamics Monitoring •Remote Sensing Offoliar Chemistry | |
Ying Zhang Assistant Research Fellow Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture Title:Micron-scale Phenotyping Quantification and Three-dimensional Microstructure Reconstruction of Maize Based on Micro-CT Scanning Research Interests •Plant Molecular Biology •Cell Biology |
2017年4月26日,星期三 | |
14:00-24:00 | 会议注册 |
2017年4月27日,星期四 | |
9:00-18:00 | 讲座和操作培训 |
19:30-24:00 | 会议晚宴/Party |
2017年4月28日,星期五 | |
9:00-18:00 | 讲座和操作培训 |
18:00 | 会议结束 |
会议咨询:奚梦源,mengyuan.xi@ ahjqwl.com